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发布时间:2021-06-07 15:43:29

毛建素Jiansu MAO,我国最早开展产业生态学研究的学者之一。自2000年攻读博士以来,一直持续开展产业生态学、循环经济、污染物源头防治方面的研究工作。曾于2004年受邀耶鲁大学产业生态研究中心做博士后、Henry Luce 研究学者,在产业生态研究中心进行物质循环流动基础研究。特别是从模型构建,到基本规律研究和应用实践,获得了系列重要成果,其中物质人为流动成为本课程中第7-9讲核心内容;与此同时,在北京师范大学所完成的系列产业生态规划研究与实践,构成了本课程诸多应用实践的重要案例。One of the earliest Chinese scholars in field of industrial ecology. Since she studied for Ph. D. in 2000, she has been working on study of industrial ecology, circular economy and source control of environmental pollutants. In 2004, she was invited to visit Yale University with a support from Henry Luce Foundation and worked as a postdoctoral associate and a senior researcher at Forestry & Environmental Studies (F&ES). She joined in the STAF group at the Center for Industrial Ecology and made a comprehensive study on the material anthropogenic flows. Especially she successfully completed comprehensive research on Lead from the MFA framework settlement to the basic rules derivation and achieved a series of important results, in which the part for material an

李春晖 Chunhui LI,教授,博导,环境科学博士,加拿大Regina大学博士后,从事流域水资源应用与管理研究。现于环境学院工作,可为本课程提供流域产业生态规划实践案例。Professor, Supervisor of Ph. D. in Environmental Science. He had been a postdoctoral associate at University of Regina in Canada. 

裴元生 Yuansheng PEI,教授,博导,环境工程博士,曾在澳大利亚CSIRO和Flinders大学做访问学者,主持完成十余项重要科研项目,环境学院副院长,从事污泥资源化、流域综合调控与生态修复工程研究。承担本课程中生态工程应用案例研讨。Professor and supervisor of Ph.D in Environmental Engineering. He had been a visiting scholar at CSIRO and Flinders University in Australia. He presided over more than ten important scientific research programs and present as an associate dean of the school of environment at BNU. He has been engaged in sludge resource utilization, integrated watershed regulation and ecological restoration engineering research. He is responsible for the application and discussion of ecological engineering in this course.